Social Security Fairness Act support grows with IAFF and FOP endorsement

August 29, 2024

Joint support for Social Security Fairness Act discharge petition

First responders are advocating for the Social Security Fairness Act as reported by the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).

In a recent letter to Congress, IAFF General President Edward Kelly and FOP National President Patrick Yoes endorsed House Resolution 1364.

This discharge petition aims to force a vote on the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82 / S. 597), which seeks to eliminate the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).

These provisions have reduced Social Security benefits for fire fighters and other public sector workers receiving pensions.

The leaders addressed the letter to Representatives Garret Graves (R-LA) and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), the bill’s co-leads.

With Congress nearing its year-end, Kelly and Yoes emphasized the urgency of passing H.R. 82, even if it requires bypassing regular legislative procedures.

The discharge petition process in Congress

In Congress, bills typically follow a process known as “regular order,” where they are introduced, sent to committee, and then reported to the floor for consideration.

Congressional leaders control the agenda, determining which bills are voted on and when.

A discharge petition offers a way for members to bypass this process when leadership is unwilling to bring a bill to the floor.

The IAFF and FOP are urging members of Congress to sign H. Res. 1364.

If a majority of 218 members sign, the resolution will force the House to debate and vote on the Social Security Fairness Act.

If successful, this would bring the bill directly to the House floor, circumventing the usual process.

Historical context and implications of the discharge petition

Historically, the House has seen only 26 successful discharge petitions.

They are used sparingly, often as a strategic tool when members believe leadership might lose control of the legislative agenda.

If enough members sign the petition, it could pressure leaders to schedule a vote on the Social Security Fairness Act to avoid a potential loss on the floor.

The current petition has garnered attention because of its potential to impact the benefits of retired public servants significantly.

The IAFF and FOP have highlighted this issue, framing it as a necessary correction to an ongoing injustice affecting fire fighters and other first responders.

Timeline and bipartisan efforts for Social Security reform

Members of Congress can begin signing the discharge petition on September 10, 2024.

They will have until the end of the year to gather the necessary support to bring the resolution to the floor for a vote.

The bipartisan nature of the Social Security Fairness Act, endorsed by the IAFF and FOP, underscores its importance to the public sector workforce.

The Act aims to eliminate the WEP and GPO provisions, which have long been a point of contention for public sector retirees.

These provisions reduce the Social Security benefits of those who have worked in both public and private sectors, a practice the IAFF and FOP argue is unfair.

Social Security Fairness Act support grows with IAFF and FOP endorsement: Summary

The IAFF and FOP have formally endorsed a discharge petition for the Social Security Fairness Act, seeking to force a vote in Congress on eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO).

These provisions currently reduce Social Security benefits for public sector retirees.

The petition, H. Res. 1364, requires a majority of 218 signatures from House members to succeed.

If successful, it would bring the bill directly to the floor, bypassing the standard legislative process.

The IAFF and FOP’s support highlights the ongoing effort to address what they describe as an inequity affecting retired public servants.

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