OSHA Emergency Response Standard hearing ends; comment period begins

December 4, 2024
EMS Fire engine ambulance

OSHA holds public hearing on proposed Emergency Response Standard

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has concluded a virtual public hearing on its proposed Emergency Response Standard.

The hearing, which began on November 12, provided stakeholders with an opportunity to discuss the potential effects of the proposed standard. Concerns have been raised about how this standard could impact volunteer fire services if adopted in its current form.

According to the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), nearly 30 directors from various volunteer fire departments and state organizations testified during the hearing, sharing perspectives from their communities.

The final day of the hearing was December 4, and links to recordings of each day’s testimony are available on the NVFC’s OSHA Landing Page.

Public comment period to reopen through January 17

Following the conclusion of the hearing, OSHA plans to reopen the standard’s docket for a second public comment period.

The new period will run from December 4 to January 17, allowing individuals and organizations to submit their comments regardless of prior participation.

The NVFC encourages volunteer fire departments to provide detailed comments about their departments, including information on budgets, call volumes, equipment, and community demographics. These details are seen as essential for addressing misunderstandings about the volunteer fire service.

NVFC participation and resources for the fire community

The NVFC played a key role during the hearing, with five witnesses testifying on November 12 and nearly 30 directors participating overall.

The council also provided written testimony and other resources to help departments prepare their comments. These resources, along with links to testimony, are available on the NVFC website.

Volunteer fire departments are urged to provide comprehensive information in their comments to help OSHA better understand the unique challenges they face.

Stakeholder engagement continues as OSHA reviews input

OSHA’s proposed Emergency Response Standard aims to regulate safety protocols across emergency response organizations.

Through comments and testimonies received throughout the year, OSHA has acknowledged learning more about the volunteer fire service, as reflected in a September 17 statement.

As the second public comment period approaches, stakeholders are encouraged to continue providing input to ensure their concerns are heard.

OSHA Emergency Response Standard hearing ends; comment period begins: Summary

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) concluded its public hearing on the proposed Emergency Response Standard on December 4.

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) played a key role, with nearly 30 representatives testifying on behalf of volunteer fire departments. The hearing highlighted concerns about how the proposed standard could impact these departments.

A second public comment period will open from December 4 to January 17, allowing stakeholders to provide input.

Volunteer fire departments are encouraged to submit detailed comments to clarify their operations and challenges. Resources for comment preparation are available on the NVFC website.

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