IAFC calls on Senate to pass lithium-ion battery safety bill for e-bikes and e-scooters

October 14, 2024

Legislation aims to address growing fire risk from lithium-ion batteries

The International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) is calling on the U.S. Senate to pass legislation designed to enhance the safety of lithium-ion batteries used in e-bikes, e-scooters, and hoverboards.

As reported by the IAFC, the bill in question, H.R. 1797, known as the Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act, would authorize the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to develop and enforce fire safety standards for these batteries.

The IAFC stresses that the increasing number of fires caused by these devices poses a unique challenge for fire and emergency services.

The group is urging its members and the public to contact their Senators and push for swift passage of H.R. 1797 to prevent further harm.

Rise in lithium-ion battery fires prompts action

The bill comes in response to a sharp rise in fires caused by lithium-ion batteries in micro-mobility devices, such as e-bikes and hoverboards.

Major cities, including New York and Houston, have experienced numerous incidents, and smaller towns have not been immune.

Since 1995, lithium-ion battery-related fires have resulted in 314 deaths and 1,784 injuries nationwide.

In one notable incident in March 2021, a firefighter in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, lost their life responding to a fire caused by a hoverboard battery.

Similar incidents have occurred across the country, further underscoring the need for federal standards.

Broad support for H.R. 1797 across multiple sectors

H.R. 1797 has garnered support from a diverse coalition of organizations, including the Fire Department of New York (FDNY), International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC).

Consumer protection groups and companies that rely on micro-mobility devices, such as Grubhub and DoorDash, have also backed the bill.

The IAFC highlights that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill with overwhelming bipartisan support, voting 378 to 34 on May 15, 2024.

Despite this progress, the IAFC is urging the Senate to pass the bill quickly so it can be sent to President Biden for his signature.

Ongoing concerns about fire safety standards

Currently, there are no uniform federal safety standards for lithium-ion batteries in micro-mobility devices, leaving manufacturers to follow voluntary guidelines.

The IAFC believes that without mandatory standards enforced by the CPSC, the risk of fires will continue to rise.

The IAFC’s Legislative Action Center is actively encouraging its members to engage with their Senators to support the bill’s passage.

“Congress must act to ensure the safety of the public and the fire service,” the IAFC said.

“Without standards, we will continue to see more injuries, deaths, and property damage.”

IAFC calls on Senate to pass lithium-ion battery safety bill: Summary

The IAFC has urged the U.S. Senate to pass H.R. 1797, the Setting Consumer Standards for Lithium-Ion Batteries Act, which would require the Consumer Product Safety Commission to create safety standards for lithium-ion batteries used in e-bikes, e-scooters, and hoverboards.

The organization highlights the rise in battery-related fires and stresses the importance of immediate legislative action.

The bill has already passed the U.S. House of Representatives and has widespread support from the fire service, consumer advocacy groups, and industry stakeholders.

The IAFC is calling on its members to contact their Senators and support the bill’s swift passage to prevent further harm.

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