Cres Cor Health & Safety collaborates with Safeware for enhanced decontamination solutions for first responders

July 16, 2024

Cres Cor and Safeware join forces for first responder safety via decontamination solution

Cres Cor Health & Safety, the manufacturer of Cres Guard biological decontamination cabinets, has announced a new collaboration with Safeware.

Safeware is a distributor of safety equipment and solutions based in Lanham, MD.

This partnership aims to enhance the safety measures for first responders across the United States, including law enforcement agencies, fire departments, rescue operators, emergency medical services, hazmat teams, educational institutions, and government safety workers.

The Cres Guard system utilizes Moist Heat Decontamination to sanitize first responder gear, including structural firefighting gear, helmets, SCBAs, bulletproof vests, and jump bags.

Additionally, the recently introduced Cres Guard UVC + Heat variant caters to moisture-sensitive electronics such as laptops, tablets, radios, and cell phones.

As reported by CresCor, this collaboration is expected to significantly impact the safety protocols for first responders.

New features and benefits of Cres Guard systems

The Cres Guard system, which debuted at FDIC 2021, has received positive feedback from various fire, police, and military first responders.

The system’s primary function is to reduce biological hazards on first responder gear using a quick, 15-minute, chemical-free cycle.

This is particularly important given that over 80% of emergency responses are medical in nature, exposing personnel to hazards such as flu, COVID-19, MRSA, and bedbugs.

Scott Simons, Safeware’s Director of Vendor Relations, remarked on the importance of this collaboration: “Cres Cor Health and Safety has quickly established a position in biological decontamination.

“The quality and research they bring to the industry will help us to further impact first responder safety.”

Adoption of Cres Guard across the United States

The Cres Guard cabinets are already in use by several fire departments across the United States, including the Oklahoma City Fire Department and the Concord and Mentor Fire Departments in Ohio.

These departments have integrated the Cres Guard systems into their decontamination protocols to enhance the safety and health of their personnel.

Greg Baggott, President of Cres Cor, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership with Safeware: “We’re very excited to collaborate with Safeware.

“Their strong relationships and reputation in emergency services are unparalleled.”

This partnership is expected to expand the reach and implementation of Cres Guard systems, further promoting first responder safety across the country.

Expanding the impact of Cres Guard technology

As Cres Cor and Safeware work together, the focus will be on increasing the availability and adoption of Cres Guard technology among first responders.

This partnership highlights the importance of innovative safety solutions and the ongoing effort to protect those who serve on the front lines.

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