CBMMG honored at TJMMG’s 86th anniversary ceremony

November 14, 2023
Military firefighters Brazil

In a ceremonial tribute to the 86th anniversary of the Tribunal de Justiça Militar of the State of Minas Gerais (TJMMG), the Military Firefighters Corps of Minas Gerais (CBMMG) was honored for its service and dedication.

The event, held at the Clube dos Oficiais Militares Mineiros (COMM), was attended by judges, staff, and invited authorities.

CBMMG’s commendation at TJMMG anniversary

The ceremony, presided over by TJMMG’s President, Colonel Rúbio Paulino Coelho, began with an acknowledgment of the critical role of the State Military Justice in overseeing the actions of state military corporations, contributing to public order and tranquility.

Among the highlights of the evening was the bestowal of the Collar of Military Judicial Merit and the Medal of Military Judicial Merit.

The Collar of Military Judicial Merit, a commendation for those who have rendered significant services to the State Military Justice or society, was awarded to CBMMG’s General Commander, Colonel Erlon Dias do Nascimento Botelho.

Key figures honored alongside CBMMG

The Medal of Military Judicial Merit, introduced in 2007, was also awarded during the ceremony.

This honor is bestowed upon individuals or entities that have significantly contributed to the Military Judicial Estate (JME) or society.

Among the distinguished recipients were CBMMG’s Chief of Staff and Deputy General Commander, Colonel Daniela Lopes Rocha da Costa, and the Commander of the 6th Operational Command of Firefighters (6th COB), Colonel Edirlei Viana da Silva.

Commemorating a dual anniversary

The event also commemorated the 150th anniversary of the Tribunal de Justiça de Minas Gerais (TJMG).

A plaque was unveiled by the President of TJMMG, in the presence of TJMG’s third Vice-President, Ana Paula Nannetti Caixeta, representing the President of the Minas Gerais Court, José Arthur de Carvalho Pereira Filho.

The speakers highlighted the significant partnership between TJMG and TJMMG in their shared mission to foster social peace and common good, praising the high caliber of the courts’ magistrates and staff.

FSJA Comment

The recognition of CBMMG at the TJMMG’s 86th anniversary ceremony underscores the critical collaboration between judicial and emergency services in maintaining public safety and order.

CBMMG’s award is a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to serving the community and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency response in Minas Gerais.

Such ceremonies not only honor the individual achievements of the honorees but also highlight the synergy between different state bodies in ensuring a safe and orderly society.

The dual commemoration with the 150th anniversary of TJMG further emphasizes the longstanding dedication and evolution of these institutions in serving the public interest.

About the CBMMG

The Military Firefighters Corps of Minas Gerais (CBMMG) is a critical emergency service organization in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Tasked with firefighting, rescue operations, and civil defense, the CBMMG plays a vital role in responding to emergencies and disasters.

With a history of dedicated service, the organization has been instrumental in ensuring public safety and disaster mitigation within the region.

Their recognition at the TJMMG ceremony not only honors their contributions but also reflects the importance of their role in the state’s safety and security framework.

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